
Modules 1-4


Module 1: Collatz

Steps until it reaches 1: Error

Module 1: Polish calculator

the input has the form '(+,-,/,*) (number) (number)'

Result: Error

Module 2: Deduplicate

Put in a space seperated list of numbers

The deduplicated vector is: Error

Module 2: Smallest missing

Put in a space seperated list of numbers

The smallest missing number is: Error

Module 2: Quadratic equation solver

Put in the coefficients of the quadratic equation seperated by spaces


Module 3: Most common letter finder

Put in a string


Module 4: Knights path

Gives a knights path between two points (not gauranteed to be optimal). Input in the form (board size) (begin coordinate) (end coordinate). (e.g. 8 a6 b8)


Module 4: Merge sort

Put in a space seperated list of numbers (floats)

The sorted vector is: Error

Module 4: Stack sort

Put in a space seperated list of numbers (floats)

The sorted vector is: Error